Building History Around Brockham

Discover the rich history of the beautiful buildings in and around Brockham. Learn from factual documents and personal memories from local residents.

Betchworth Castle

According to the Doomsday Book, Becesworde ... belonged to Richard de Tonbridge, ancestor of the Clares, Earls of Gloucester

Way House - Wheelers Lane, Brockham

The Brockham Home and Training School for Workhouse Girls was opened in Wheelers Lane on the 1st February 1859

Brockham Park

The origins of Brockham Park are shrouded in the mists of time

Poland House

In Sidney Michael Poland's will, his residence and enormous garden were left to the village with the intention of turning the house into a home for elderly villagers

Anthony West House

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Brockham Bridge

During long periods of rain the River Mole rises and occasionally breaks the banks at the Borough Bridge

Brockham School

A school was built in Brockham in 1830, and rebuilt in 1840. After the passing of the Education Act ... the present school at Brockham was built in 1879 and enlarged in 1901


Does your house have a story to tell from it's past?

The Green

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